FLS - fluorescence lifetime spectrometer
FLS stands for fluorescence lifetime spectrometer
Here you will find, what does FLS stand for in Physics under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate fluorescence lifetime spectrometer? fluorescence lifetime spectrometer can be abbreviated as FLS What does FLS stand for? FLS stands for fluorescence lifetime spectrometer. What does fluorescence lifetime spectrometer mean?fluorescence lifetime spectrometer is an expansion of FLS
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Alternative definitions of FLS
- Fame, Lame, And Shame
- Flowserve Corporation
- Forward Looking Sonar
- Feedback Locating System
- Front-Line States
- Fundamentals Of Land Surveying
- Field Loadable Software
- Flinders Island, Tasmania, Australia
View 84 other definitions of FLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FMC free-melt crystallization
- FMDV foot-and-mouth-disease virus
- FMI Fourier magnetic imaging
- FM-KPFM frequency-modulation Kelvin probe force microscopy
- FMM force modulation microscopy
- FMN flavin mononucleotides
- FMR ferro magnetic resonance
- FMS force measuring system
- FNR National Research Fund
- FNRS National Funds for Scientific Research